Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a subtle yet important part of an LED light fixture. The color rendering index of a light fixture is how clearly a person is able to differentiate between colors of an object reflecting off the light produced by the fixture. In other words, color rendering index is a measurement of how colors render under the artificial light coming from the light fixture relative to natural sunlight. The overall goal with choosing a higher color rendering index is that the color of the object itself can be more accurately reproduced.

Color rendering index can be chosen on a scale from 0-100; 0 being not clear at all and 100 being the clearest. For most public lighting applications, it’s acceptable to choose a light fixture with a color rendering index of over 80 CRI. Choosing a color rendering index of under 80 CRI would be considered poor color rendering, meaning that it would be hard to differentiate between certain colors of an object that the light fixtures output shines on. Choosing a color rendering index of anywhere between 80-90 CRI is the most common selection. Most commercial light fixtures have either 80 CRI or 90 CRI selections. Although a person won’t see as much saturation as 95 CRI or 100 CRI, it still gives off a clear output while remaining cost effective. Choosing a color rendering index of anywhere between 95-100 CRI will give an application the best color rendering index. These high color rendering index levels are best utilized in applications highlighting something specific – for example, a piece of art on a wall in an art gallery or a patient within an operating room. This would give the art a very vibrant, saturated, clear glow from the light fixtures output or help the surgeon see a patient more clearly.
In conclusion, color rendering index is measured to help two things when it comes to light fixture output – accurate color rendering and improving visual comfort for the application. When designing lighting in applications that require pristine lighting output, it is recommended to choose a higher color rendering index. Otherwise, it is recommended to choose a color rendering index not below 80 CRI.

Home. Flexfire LEDs. (2025).

Written By
Steven Nickerson
Senior Electrical Designer